Tuesday, February 06, 2007

quick post

I am currently at the library (again). This is a quick post before I get up and leave. I feel as if I should be staying here for longer, I havn't actually accomplished much in the hour and half that I've been in here. But I'm starving and I'm sure that if I stare at this immunology text book any longer I will burst into tears, which will be very embarrassing.

Yes, you heard right. Immunology.

There is something about immunology. I just look at it, at the diagrams labelled with things like "CD2b3b5b" (or whatever) and there is this thing that happens in my mind. I think it's like a survival mechanism, that just says: "Sida, this is much too complicated. Leave it. They sell great pizza on this campus somewhere."

Now we know Sida won't be an immunologist when she is a grown-up doctor...

Does stress and studying immunology and waking up at 6am make one less attractive? I'm almost sure it's doing that to me. I have blue bits under my eyes and my skin has gone a funny colour. In the past, it used to go grey when I study like this, and I used to scare myself when I look in the mirror because I look like a dead person from a horror movie. This time it's different, my skin being darker due to my holiday to the Whitsundays. Instead of being a deathly pale grey, it is a sallow sort of yellow that makes me look like I'm in the late stages of some liver disease.

As I really don't have time and energy for boys at the moment, I guess the fact that I'm currently repulsive to boys is not such a bad thing. I am curious, though. I wonder what I will find if I look up "attractiveness" and "immunology" (or just "stress") in Pubmed, the online medical journals database. Some one, some time, some where, probably did a study on it.


Anonymous said...

It’s your heart that makes you attractive.... to those who can see it.

Sida said...

Ahh, yes, thanks for that. Would you know, I had completely forgot about the 'beauty is skin deep' thing. (I blame society!)

Interestingly, my mother says that boys may become attracted to me after they get to know me, but not before. (So I guess she would agree with you there, anon.) But that's one of those comments that I choose to ignore, along with "clean your room" and "act like a lady when you go out with your friends". (Oh dear, I hope she never finds this...)

me said...

Sorry Sida, that anon was me. Just wasn’t logged in.

have a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csiAsbPxmmY

There is something that I found also in the book ‘The purpose driven life’, especially the part about emotions (our passion, what we are good at and what we love to do) telling us what we are supposed to concentrate on in our lives.

Now not speaking only about material things because that’s rather question of our inner values there seems to be a parallel of how things work in our lives.

What are your thoughts of that?

Sida said...

Haha, so it was you. Your comment seemed like it came from someone who knows me, so it got me wondering.

You asked me for my thoughts, but I'm unclear as to what exactly you wanted my thoughts on.

As for my thoughts on the 'Secret', let me first summarise it, to make sure I understand what it is actually about. The 'Law of Attraction' is basically that you attract into your life whatever you allow yourself to dwell your thoughts on. "See yourself living in abundance, and you will attract that." Have I got it correct?

What are my thoughts on that? Oh boy. I don't think I can fit it in this dingy little 'comment' box. I will write a post about it.