Monday, October 02, 2006

my interest in medical radiations

I put in my interests "medical radiation" and realised that I am the only person in Blogger that has that as an interest. I must sound like a nerd.

I must explain myself to those few people who actually read my profile. I am in the Medical Radiation field. As such, even if the subject is not a hobby, as a 'professional' in that field I have an interest in that field. Which means that I am interested to hear from other people who may have interesting insights in that area. Which, it turns out, is no body... at least not on Blogger anyway.

Perhaps I should try 'diagnostic imaging', or 'medical imaging' or even 'radiography' and see if there are anyone with that put down. I doubt it though... it's not something that people willingly admit to. In any case, you can imagine that really I am not that interested in medical radiations if I am orchestrating a career change to medicine.

As you can see, I am thinking too much, about a trivial matter. Which can only mean one thing (actually it can mean a number of things, but today only one is the case) - one boring, brain-rotting day at work, where the only challenges were physical rather than mental. A Monday that felt like a Friday, without the joyous prospect of the weekend, but the prospect of 4 more days just like this.

I ought to stop doing this. I am making myself be in a bad mood. (Does listening to an 8-yo boy playing the violin squeekily have anything to do with it?)

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