Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Realised I hadn't written in this blog for ages. In fact, possibly a record time.

How have I been doing? Good, and bad. Good because despite everything bad I recieve strength from Him (so I must give Him credit, although His strength comes in sporadic amounts and is unpredictable). Bad because of everything else. Where do I begin? I don't think I want to begin. I don't want to be negative. Well, I am negative, but I don't want to spread it. Sida, think of something positive to share with the internet at large.


This Sunday, someone said something really strange to me. I must give you the background. The person who said this is probably one of only a handful of non-Chinese speakers in our church. (I can count them on one hand, perhaps even on 3 or 4 fingers). This weekend, he sat next to me, so I proceeded to translate the sermon for him.

After the sermon, he said: "Now don't get embarrassed. But I think that you're a really strong woman, and that you're really in touch with this world but also with God and what He wants." (Incidentally, if you've read my previous entries, this is the same guy that randomly shared Isaiah 18:30 with me during a tough period.)

Now, that's positive. But you have no idea how long I sat there brewing over exactly what that sweeping statement meant. I'm not like that, really, and God knows it. Ever the cynic, I thought :"ha, if only you knew". But it was nice, anyway.

There you go, something positive.

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