Friday, May 25, 2007

Euphoria explained

Study-induced Euphoria: where, after 6 or 7 hours of intense cramming non-stop, the student feels a feeling of intense euphoria. There is a feeling of light-headedness, whereby the student finds everything amusing, and will happily sit and giggle at the world. This has been likened to the euphoric feeling of drunkeness, and indeed the student is unfit to drive or dial. More aptly, it can be likened to the psychotic feeling of lightness that a person may feel, if that person were heading for the gallows.

Worship-induced Euphoria: where, after worship, the person feels a lightness of being, general happiness, and invincibility. Unlike Study-induced Euphoria, the person does not feel psychotic. Although this is generally a good thing, it can be slightly dangerous if the person is driving. At hearing a worship song on the radio, a worshipper may sing out loud. The feeling of indestructability may induce irratic behaviour.

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