Saturday, March 01, 2008

My testimony - epilogue

I just got home from church - I gave my testimony today.

It was horrible. I don't think I make a very good public speaker at all. I umm'd and ahh'd and went too fast and skipped over bits that I probably shouldn't have. I think I was in too much of a hurry to leave the stage.

Some others, at the end of their testimony, had a "closing message", like the moral of the story or something. I didn't really - I just told my story and said "that's all" and squirmed.

But I guess that's all I needed, to tell my story. The bible tells a story of a man born blind, who was healed by Jesus. Some told him that he couldn't have been healed by a sinner, but the man said: "Whether he is a sinner or not, I do not know. One thing I do know - I was blind but now I see!" - the most powerful tool he had was not carefully planned arguments or theories but the plain truth of his experiences.

Maybe I should have got up there, and said: "I was blind, but now I see!"... then sit down again. Would probably have been better than the waffle of incoherent crap that came out of my mouth, haha.

O well. Maybe it will mean they won't make me do it again.

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