Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Busy busy.

Just some more updates. Still dreading work. I have learnt to be stoic, to tell myself the pain in my calfs are helping me loose weight.

I'm so busy now, and I don't know how it happened. Is it just that it's the end of the year? Or was my involvement in the church increasing steadily and I would have reached this point even if it were May or July? Hmm.

Nah, it's just that it's the end of the year.

For example, Wednesday night: 21st birthday party. Saturday 8-2pm: Work, then get changed into civilian clothes for youth group. Saturday 3-5pm: youth group at church, then get changed into night clothes. Saturday 6.30pm til late: work Christmas party. Sunday: Take friend to church, spend some time with her after church, perhaps watch a movie, and chat. (And I should be going to a youth group xmas performance practice too... but that can have a higher priority some other time.) Next weekend: more youth group, spend some time with a friend from Syd (perhaps), take another friend to Christian shop, church, after-church practice...

See? How did it happen? I'm planning weekends WEEKS before they happen.

Not that I'm complaining. I'm enjoying most of it, it should be fun. (Except maybe the working on Saturday). But my mum was right. I really am going to cut back on something next year when I study.

My dad lent our digital camera to a friend of his. When we get it back I will post a photo and an accompanying treatise on mortality.

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