Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sida's Secret Santa experience

Yes, secret santa at work.

When I picked out a name from the box, it said "Margaret W" and I assumed it was the only Margaret I knew, that is, the funny, bubbly red-headed nurse that I loved to work with. I bought her a little glass angel figurine, a glass lotus, and, as a joke, a little decorative ear-picker.

I wasn't around when the presents were opened, having been called to theatre, so when I came back, I sidled up to her and said "so, did you like your present?" and she showed me - some chocolates and other miscelanious little things. Imagine my consternation - it's not what I bought her! What is going on! Worst thing with secret Santa is that you couldn't say anything, it being secret. So I went around the whole afternoon feeling very troubled. Where did my carefully-bought little figurines go? I couldnt' say anything to anyone, so there I was, discreetly looking in the cupboards and even considering other people's gift bags. Terrible time. Margaret came up to me, and said "you look troubled" to which I replied: "I'm very confused about something." She said "Well, if it is about radiology, I can't help you. I'm a nurse." And walked away.

So anyway it turned out there are two Margarets. One was the nurse, one was the typist who I only see once in a blue moon, I don't even know where the typing-room is. Mine was the typist. Luckily I put 'W' on my card, so my present went to the right person. I felt such a fool, and so glad that Margaret W didn't go without a present, but I was also disappointed because I didn't get to explain the little man on a stick was an ear-picker and not a drink stirrer, and I didn't get to see her reaction. I'm over my disappointment now, as I imagine her opening her bag to see the beautiful little angel and the lotus. Who could it be? Hehe, I like this annonymous gift-giving.

So anyway, I got a hanging-thing from my 'secret santa', who couldn't keep a secret. One of those crystal-things that you hang on your window, with butterflies and stuff. The guy who gave it to me was so funny, his antics were worth more than the gift itself. "Soooo Sida, what did Santa give you? Ooo, Isn't that lovely?" He said. After I'd indicated that it was obvious to me who it was from, he gave me a detailed explanation of the significance of the beads. The red ones signify this-and-this, the purple ones mean that-and-that, the butterflies bring so-and-so. He said all this with a pause in between, and I wondered if he was making it all up. Inside, I was like "but I don't believe in that crap!" But all I said was "right, right, interesting". So anyway, it is now up on my window next to a windchime I got for my birthday. It doesn't catch the light the way he says it would, because (I suspect) it is plastic and not crystal. But it looks good and reminds me of a kind old soul.

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