Friday, December 01, 2006

whats going on in Sida-land

In short: nothing much. Work has been dragging, each week passes like two weeks (or more). Perhaps I am too proactive in my work, because sometimes I am sure that I am the one doing all the physically demanding work, while others are elsewhere, perhaps all huddled together to do one CT scan. I don't say anything, because then it seems like I can't handle the work, which I can. I just get innately annoyed. I guess this thing happens to PDY's / interns everywhere. It's what you get for being on the bottom rung.

My parents think that I am spending too much time on church-activities. They said this after last weekend, when I was out for the whole weekend nearly. Saturday morning, shopping (groceries for family); Saturday afternoon, youth fellowship. Saturday night: dinner and karaoke with friends. Sunday morning, church; Sunday afternoon, practicing our Christmas concert dance thingy. I do admit that I have had a busy weekend, but I didn't think my dad's comment that I wasted my time on "pointless things" was called for. For one thing, it's my weekend. For another, I had been working hard all week, I think the weekend is a good time to do 'pointless' things. Last but not least, I can not think of anything more meaningful than worshipping and serving God. But I didn't argue with my dad. I just left the room.

My desire to do oncology as a specialisation has been met with raised eyebrows. People say: "Why would you want to work in a field where you tell people that they die in X months time?" And to tell the truth, I don't know why. I just feel like it is something that I can dive into. Besides, not all cancer patients die.

Um. I think that is about it. In my spare time I am currently reading up on evidence for creation theory, and also doing a study plan (sort of thing) of the new testiment. The old testiment is too long and too unchewable; it can wait for next year.

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